Thursday, January 04, 2024

We live in fascinating times...

Back in October of last year I was approached by a California-based company called FSSI (No, not Food Safety Services International) this FSSI describes themselves thus: FSSI is a print and mail outsourcing provider specializing in designing, producing and delivering high-quality, regulatory compliant customer documents.

Based in Santa Ana Orange County USA, they produce a calendar annually, and for 2024 the chosen theme was to be 'The captivating concept of magnification'. 

Their request was for permission to use one of my photographs as part of the calendar; this photograph...

I've been lucky enough to have this particular image published in several magazines and periodicals now, and so had no problem with allowing it to be used. All I asked in return was to be credited and if at all possible, to have a copy of the completed calendar sent to me.

Then I sort of forgot all about it, until the post arrived a couple of days ago. 

When I opened the large white envelope (do you pronounce that as Envelope, or Onvelope I wonder?) this was what I first saw...

FSSI had not only kept their promise of sending me a copy (I've lost count of how many promises of books that used my photos never actually arrived!) but here was a personalised copy. 

If the front cover was anything to judge by, this was going to be amazing, with tightly cropped close-up images, one per page. They even included a free magnifier, should I want to get even closer...

Not all insects either, just nature in detail...

These two images feature an Abalone shell, and underneath, a Feather Star (a marine animal). 

Next to share are the images for July and October: they show a Panther Chameleon and a Jumping Spider...

Here's the image of the Ruby-Tailed Wasp that I provided for February...

Who would have thought that this image for July is of a Sunflower?

And a Blue Vantage Cabbage for March...

And so I hope that gives you a flavour of how the finished project looked, although frankly, these images taken on my phone don't do the originals justice.

Here's the full list...

I'll leave the final words to FSSI:

When we look into the universe, we are surprised at the incredible beauty that is beyond our normal vision. Similarly, when we peer into small objects, we often find magnificent patterns and colour combinations that we never could have imagined. 
Within these worlds that exist beyond our day-to-day perception hide the secrets of life and genetic modelling that will someday lead to great medical breakthroughs and a greater understanding of our unique place in the cosmos. We live in fascinating times.


Millymollymandy said...

Mostly Onvelope, but I’m sure I say it the other way too.

Anyway - wow! Congrats and how lovely that they sent you the calendar (though so they should). I’m amazed though that your image could be blown up so big, and still be really sharp! I know your macros are wonderful, but that’s just incredible. Glad the world of tiny things is spreading around.

Happy New Year to you JJ.


Anonymous said...

Hi JJ,
I say Onvelope too, even though I am American ;-)). It's Great to see a fresh blog! And what a surprise too, it features a company from my very own state! Really fantastic also to see a company embracing macro photography to illustrate and communicate their products and services! Your colorful wasp photo makes a gorgeous February contribution to these fascinating times we are in indeed. I'm sure it will inspire some new people to take a closer look at the wonderful world of insects too, just as your blog has done for me from the get-go! Congratulations by the way, for being chosen! Sincerely, Stella

JJ said...

Hi Mandy. Good to hear from you, and Happy New Year to you and yours.

I was pleased and surprised to see just how they used my image, and maybe it'll serve to inspire me to do something similar myself.

JJ said...

Hi Stella,
Thank-you for taking time to write your thoughts on my blog update. I know this one was a little 'off-piste', but thought it might be interesting to share, and also provide me with a way back into blogging after a break from cyberland?

I too love that these people are in the USA, I'm always stoked to know my little blog reaches far flung places 😁